January 12, 2025

You have a new series coming out soon!! Can you spill any details about the new series? 

Yes, NC-16 season 1 was released on Monday, July 20th on SeekaTV. You can get to SeekaTV from your PC – just go to watch.seeka.tv or you can download the SeekaTV app on your phone, Apple TV, Amazon, GooglePlay or Roku. NC-16 is a teen comedy.  It is called NC-16 for a reason; we do not recommend anyone under 16 watch the series, because of language and content.  Parental supervision is suggested for those under 16.  There are five episodes in Season 1 – each episode is approximately 5 minutes long.  

Can you explain the characters each of you portray? 

Jackson answers: Yes, hi, I am Jackson Geach and I play Ted. Ted, like the others, is an outcast yearning to be a part of the popular crowd. He is a little robotic and by that, I mean he is very smart and tends to internalize almost every situation he is in. When it comes to friendship he tends to be a follower and loves to help his friends, anyway he can, especially if it involves planning (his specialty).

Norton’s Answer: To be honest, I pretty much just play myself, but more of a smartass!

Grayson Answer: Well, I play the most debonair and handsome Nelson, (ha-ha). I am pretty much the nerd and very naïve especially when it comes to being in High School, being cool and knowing anything about girls or so “Joey” (aka Norton) tells me. 

Can you explain the process of how you got these roles? What led you to trying out for this series? 

Jackson’s Answer: The series was created, written and produced by 18-year-old Michael Rojo.  He reviewed our demo reels and created each of our characters from there.

Norton’s Answer: The characters were essentially tailor made for us. The creator, Michael Rojo, watched our demo reels and worked from there.

Grayson’s Answer: Actually, our Manager, the great Daniel Rojo’s (building brownie points ) son Michael was the writer and creator of this series. He wrote our character’s parts based on knowing our wacky personalities. 

What would you say is the message of this series?

Jackson’s Answer: High school is NOT how it appears on television and in movies.  Trying to be popular or just simply trying to fit in at your high school is sometimes difficult.  In the NC-16 series, most of the characters are trying to find a way to fit in any way they can. 

Norton’s Answer: High school ain’t nothing like the movies. It is all a cutthroat race to popularity and everybody is more focused on their image than they are on the grades.

Grayson’s Answer: I personally think the message is that High School is not like it is portrayed on TV or in the movies. Yes, there is comedy but also a good message. I am sure many High Schoolers feel the way we are feeling like in episode 2 “Fitting In”. How do we fit in when we are 14-16? That is a hard age. We all want to be in the cool club but a lot of us never make it there. Yes, this series has adult language but I think most high school age kids will understand our message and how we are talking, this is not a Disney or Nick TV show were everything ends up happy with unicorns and rainbows.  

Do you guys have a favorite episode of the series? 

Jackson’s Answer: I think my favorite episode from the series is probably “Underage Drinking” as it was cool playing around with the idea that Ted and his friends stole alcohol and the antics that came from that decision. 

Norton’s Answer: We Dance. Without even a shadow of a doubt. It was the absolute funniest to work on and to me, the funniest.

Grayson’s Answer: I think my favorite is episode 4 “Underage Drinking”. I think most all kids at this age is thinking about doing what we did in this episode. I am sure this was everyone’s question, “Was the Hennessy real?”  No, it was not the real deal. It was actually a very watered-down Coca Cola that had gone flat. (Yes, I said “Coca Cola”! If Coke would like me in their next commercial, please contact my manager Daniel Rojo at 310-286-7043. Sorry I diverted) Also, I think it was harder for Jackson to drink the water downed Coke because he does not like sodas.  

Any other fun details you can tell us about the new show?   

Jackson’s Answer: Okay, so in “Underage Drinking” obviously you know we are not drinking alcohol because that would be illegal lol. However, if anyone who watches it ever wonders what we were drinking its Coca-Cola.

Norton’s Answer: Well, I do not want to give too much away, but I will say that a little bit of boozing’s involved.

Grayson’s Answer: Yes, I am very impressed with the director Michael Spound for not losing his mind or going out and getting a bottle of Hennessy for himself because he was working with Norton and myself. He has the patience of Job. Michael Rojo wanted us to be natural so his dad, my awesome manager ( more brownie points!), had the cameras rolling at all times to make sure they got natural acting and reactions for us. 

What do you think makes this show standout from other shows about highschool?  

Jackson’s Answer: I think our series stands out because it portrays situations done on other high school shows, but with a twist. Yes, the characters may be a part of the cliché unpopular groups who are yearning for popularity; however, it is portrayed in a way that stays true to what realistically would happen in these situations.

Norton’s Answer: It’s written how we talk. It isn’t written in a studio outside of any actual teenage influence, it’s made to actually be us, to really hit the nail on the head. I mean, the creator, Michael, he’s 18, he gets it. That’s what helps to make it special.

Grayson’s Answer: Honestly, I think this show stands out because of the “realness”. I also think many teens will be able to relate with this show. I love watching the happy teens shows like everyone does because it makes you feel good but honestly, do those shows really portray what is going on in high school? One of my favorite Teen shows was Disney XD’s “Lab Rats”. One teen movie I love is Chicken Girls: the Movie. Especially that kid named “Sheldon”. That is a great actor! (Haha, kidding, not!), But seriously when I went to a private and public school, it was hard. Who didn’t get bullied? My last year at a private school was so hard, I got to where I just wanted to play sick so I didn’t have to go and endure the hate and bullying. It was not just the kids bullying I was being bullied by some of the teachers too. 

What’s your favorite part about being on “NC-16”? 

Jackson’s Answer: My favorite part of being a part of “NC-16” was being able to portray someone who is so organized and good at planning as that is something I struggle with in real life. It was also cool to be a part of a project that portrays real situations that could occur amongst a group of teen friends in real life. 

Norton’s Answer: Working with my friends. When you works with friends, it doesn’t feel like work, it feels like just hanging out with the boys, only in front of a camera.

Grayson’s Answer: That is easy: the food! The production had food catered in every day. Pizza, sub sandwiches, breakfast and lunch (haha). No, seriously, it was great working with Norton and Jackson. Funny fact: I knew and had worked with Jackson back in Atlanta, so I have known Jackson for about 6 or 7 years. Norton and I have been friends since my family moved to Los Angeles in January 2016. As a matter of fact, when I booked my first role in LA, it was in a movie with Norton. We have been friends ever since. We play video games online almost every night. He is like a brother to me. So, it was very easy working with Norton and Jackson. We were just being ourselves. 

What’s your guys’ favorite part about being on set?   

Jackson’s Answer: I think my favorite part was just being able to play with the character, I was given and building that reality, he lives in with my castmates.  

Norton’s Answer: All of the jokes. It’s really fun working on it, no one’s uptight, no one’s above a few laughs, it’s all welcoming.

Grayson’s Answer: I love just being on set. I love the environment and becoming a new character every time I book a role. I have a hard time when I have been filming with people for a while and considering them to be like a family so when we wrap I get sad. But then, I book something else and I get excited all over again. I love being around people so I really miss it when I am not on set. Don’t tell my manager but I would even work if I was not getting paid, shshsh don’t tell him. Haha, seriously I wish I was on set 364 days out of a year! I need to save one day to go to Universal Studios, Six Flags or Knotts Berry Farms. I LOVE riding Roller Coasters! 

How do you guys and the other cast members get along? Do you guys have any rituals before filming?  

Jackson’s Answer: We all got along well, the majority of the time filming though I was with the boys. I met the girls briefly before, but I’m hoping that we get a second season so we can see the antics all the characters may get into when their worlds collide. 

Norton’s Answer: We got along awesome, since we pretty much knew each other anyway, so we just joked around a lot and had a good time. I can’t really speak for them, but I didn’t  have much of a ritual, aside from having a nice bottle of coffee.

Grayson’s Answer: As Tony the Tiger would say GRRREAT! (Oh man, now I want Frosted Flakes.) We get along really well because we have been friends for so long, it was easy to be natural with each other. I knew Emma Apgar from being in class with her at Ivana Chubbuck and I have known Serena for a while. 

I’m not sure it’s a ritual but to help me not to be so nervous I always take Rubik cube with me everywhere. The director seen I had one told me to kept it on the table in the scene I have over 100 Rubik cubes I can solve 3*3 in about 30 seconds but it calms me when I get nervous. I was invited to “Good Morning La La Land in August of last year and I had one in my live interview, so the host asked me to solve it and I taught them how to solve it as well.

A funny thing that did happen on set in episode 2 you see me heating up chicken nuggets . Actually Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets. I ate 43 of the Dinosaur Nuggets I don’t think I ever want to see them again 🙂

What’s an average week like on set for you guys?  

Jackson’s Answer: We actually shot the project in the span of 2 days. We filmed all three episodes one day and then we got the exterior shots another. It was surprising and impressive how our team was able to accomplish everything so quickly. 

Norton’s Answer: We had to stay in character at pretty much all times, because we had very long takes over a long, ten-hour day for each episode. Plus, we had some early starts and had to learn 28 pages of scripts. 

Grayson’s Answer: We were on set like three weekends on Saturdays. It was during September. I remember this because my mom watched college football as we were filming. I am a huge college football fan so during breaks, I would check the score. Actually, I am a huge Alabama Crimson Tide fan so “Roll Tide!” ;). It was easy to know our lines because it was pretty much what we would say naturally. Michael, the writer and creator of the show, pretty much had our character down so it was easy to be ourselves.    

Did you guys all want to be an actor when you were little, or did that develop later on?  

Jackson’s Answer: I think it is something I’ve always wanted to do, I started off in musical theater when I was really little and then I decided I wanted to give the world of Hollywood a try at about age 12. 

Norton’s Answer: It was always somewhat there since I was little, but it only really came out when I was about seven.

Grayson’s Answer: My mom is the first person who mentioned for me to think about acting. When she would ask me about acting, I would say “Nah”. When I was around three, I had a traumatic experience that changed my life. I do not talk about this incident much but my parents and I lived through a home invasion. My parents are my heroes because my mom was able to convince the invaders they had the wrong house (because they did). This gave her enough time to lock the door behind them and get me and my dad into a back room of our house until police arrived.  After the home invasion, my parents wanted to put me in a Child Play Therapy. It was a place where a young child could go after a traumatic event. They could act out their feelings to help them cope with whatever was bothering them. I know even several months after the home invasion when I heard a doorbell, I would run and hide under our kitchen table. 

A few years later, mom asked me if I wanted to take an acting class and again, I replied “Nah”. She told me a few years later she told me she thought I had a talent but she did not want to push me into something she was not sure I wanted to do.  

However, one day changed my life. My dad had read in the local papers that Grayson Russell (“Fregley” from Diary of a Wimpy Kid) was in town filming his new movie Space Warriors at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. Grayson Russell was going to be at a local movie theater viewing one of the Diary of Wimpy Kid movies with fans and would be signing autographs before the movie. So, my dad got our family and one of my friends, Mason, a ticket to go watch the movie with Grayson. Grayson Russell was great! He took the time to answer my questions and took pictures with me. At the screening, Grayson mentioned they were looking for extras to be in the movie he was filming.

I asked my mom if she could take me to see if I could be an extra. She did and I got to be an extra and fell in love with the environment. I loved watching the crew move their equipment around to do the same scene but to get the shot from different angles.

The next week, my mom enrolled me in a local acting school called Hollywood Huntsville. I took classes under Mr. Bill and Ayoka Billions and later took acting classes from Gray’s Studio out of LA. We would travel to Nashville to participate in an intensive weekend class once a month and this is where I met Mr. David Gray of Gray Studio out of West Hollywood, CA. I booked my first web series in 2014. It was called Unplanned Motherhood. After that, my mom found me a talent agent in Nashville, Atlanta and New Orleans. It was in May 2014 I booked my very first movie called Campin Buddies I got to work with legendary actors like Don Most, Tom Lester (Eb from Green Acres), Ray Stevens, Victoria Jackson. Tom Logan was the best Director for my first experience. 

Do you guys have any other new projects coming out? Can you spill any details about the new projects? 

Jackson’s Answers: If NC-16 season 1 gets enough public attention, we would love to continue the series. In addition, SeekaTV has a tip option where fans and followers can donate if they loved the series and want to see a second seasonUnfortunately, COVID-19 has put a halt on the TV and Movie industry for a while.

Norton’s Answer: Covid’s really put a damper on things, it’s real slow, so there’s not much out there for projects. If NC-16’s first season does well, though, I figure you can look forward to a second season, too

Grayson’s Answer: Well, I just had an episode come out in a FX show called Dave. I guess it was meant to be because it came out on April 1st of this year which was my 16th birthday so thank you! I am hoping our cast will be filming season 2 of NC-16 later on in the year as well. 

What has been your reaction to all the anticipation from your supporters??  

Jackson’s Answer: I honestly have not seen any yet, but I am hoping that this series is able to bring entertainment to those who watch it. 

Norton’s Answer: It’s made me more excited. I was already excited, but seeing all of them excited made me even more excited.

Grayson’s Answer: I have heard some great things from my fans. Some wanted to know where to watch the series. The series has been making its rounds through the Film Festivals. I have been proud to report to them the nominations we have received, and my fans have been so encouraging! Seeing them excited made me smile because, as an actor, having the support of your fans means everything. Living the dream of being an actor is not easy but having the support makes it worthwhile. 

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed each of you to accomplish? 

Jackson’s Answer: It is just humbling to know that there are people out there that have supported our projects and us. However, if I had to use one word to describe what they have allowed me to accomplish its got to be “fun”. 

Norton’s Answer: Happiness

Grayson’s Answer: Encouraging” would be my word. This is a hard industry to make it in. Sometimes, when you go to auditions, you just feel like you will book the role and maybe you do but most of the time you do not. Sometimes you get pinned (or put on hold) for a role and then you don’t book it. I think some actors get depressed not booking. 

I think when I first started out around nine years old , I would get sad too. But my mom would say “Grayson, things work out for a reason, maybe there is another role you are supposed to play.” 😉 My mom and Dad have always been so supportive. 

I have a mentor, Danny Vinson, who would tell me when you go to an audition, do the very best you can do. When it’s over, walk out of that audition knowing you did your very best and forget about it. You cannot think about that role anymore. It is time to look forward to your next audition. He would tell me you cannot worry about that audition clear your head and start on the next one. So, that is what I try to do. But sometimes there’s that one role you feel like is you and you want it so bad! Every once in a while, I can’t help but think about it a little longer than when I walk out of that audition room.  

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you guys in public? 

Jackson’s Answer: Thank you for all your support when it comes to our show it means a lot. 

Norton’s Answer: Feel free to wave or say hello

Grayson’s Answer: I want them to feel like they can approach me because I love talking to my fans. I was at Knots Berry Farms last year and two teen girls stopped me and asked if I was in Chicken Girls. I said yes, I played “Sheldon”. Then they asked if they could take a picture with me. I was like “of course!” I think the Chicken Girls  fans are some of the best fans I have ever had the honor of meeting. 

Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters? 

Jackson’s Answer: Please enjoy our show and thank you for supporting NC-16!

Norton’s Answer: Thank you, guys. Without you all, I would not have made it this far.

Grayson’s Answer: Yes, I hope you enjoy this series. I hope you comment on our YouTube page and let us know! Follow NC-16 on Instagram or Facebook. I think we are all hoping to work on a Season 2. 

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview 🙂 

Thank you!

NC16 Social Media Links

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmmt6J97Lop64LDdHaLHt0Q

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nc16show

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/nc16show/

Seeka.TV: https://watch.seeka.tv/nc-16

Norton Leufven Social Media Links

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Norton_Leufven

Instagram: www.instagram.com/norton_leufven

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Norton-Leufven-385299804878528

Grayson Kilpatrick’s Social Media Links

Instagram: www.instagram.com/graysonkilpatrick  (Verified)

Twitter: www.twitter.com/GraysonT04

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/graysonthornekilpatrick (Verified)

Web page: www.graysonkilpatrick.com


Famous Birthdays :https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/grayson-kilpatrick.html


Jackson “Jax” Geach Social Media Links

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jaxrox247 (Verified)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaxrox247/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jaxrox247

