July 26, 2024

Can you start off by telling our readers a little bit about yourself?

I’m very musically driven! I always have been and most definitely always will be. It’s always been a passion of mine and therefore I’m very determined in that apect. I’m also a fighter and always up for taking risks and big challenges. That’s the best way to live life right?

I have some weird talents like a bent pinky finger.. I can clap my hands rapidly, I can do many accents (embarrassing ones) I also had a dream my tongue fell out and I’m still scared to this day. I’m also very family orientated. I cherish my parents and my 10 year old brother, they’ve always been behind me and supported me from day one. I’d say I’m caring and loving. Also honest and upfront but that’s the way to be! I love to help people in need. Everyone deserves a helping hand in life! I’ll be there for whoever, I love listening. When I’m older, my goal is to help the less fortunate and make people’s lives worth living, alongside my career! I think because I’ve been brought up the way I have and been taught what I know now, I only want to give back and make people see what I see.

You recently released your newest single “Venom.” How did the song get created? Did this song come from personal experience?

My second single Venom was created a couple months ago and is based on personal experiences. I think in our teenage years, especially being female, we all experience that friend who wasn’t really a friend after all who revealed themselves to be a fraud and a fake. Sometimes it’s hard to see it. I wanted Venom to reciprocate what I could see and no one else could. I still don’t know why I didn’t write this song a long time ago.. I guess I’ve just been waiting for the right time to pour my anger and emotions out.

What would you say has been your biggest accomplishment in your career so far?

My biggest accomplishment in my career so far has definitely been releasing two singles. I mean I’m 17, from a small town called Warrington. I never thought I’d be noticed or even considered but the fact I’ve been gifted this opportunity has made me see the light I never saw a couple years ago. I’m becoming so confident in myself and in my songwriting. I think 2018 will hopefully be a big year for me. Here I come!

Why is music so important in your life?

Music has always been an important part of my life. I think the fact that my dad introduced me to such iconic music at a young age inspired me straight away. Just the sound and the mood clicked with me. It was so intriguing listening to different sounds. I found a way to escape by listening to music. I do think music is almost like a drug, it is addictive. I mean, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like music? You can pour your heart out and relate to a song so much that it becomes therapeutic. I also think music has kept me going when I’ve felt quite hopeless and lost. It gave me a new path to follow.

What message do you want to send your supporters through your music?

I just want to tell all my supporters that I love them and give a massive thank you for believing in me enough to come along on my journey. I have a lot of love and respect for people who love and respect me. It’s a magical thing to create something that other people can relate to and find joy in. The fact that I’m 17 and have people who support my every move is so rewarding. You can make anything happen if you put your mind to it.

Whats most important in your life right now?

My music career, family, friends and being happy and content is the most important thing for me right now. Being happy with myself is one of the most important things for me to focus on as we go into 2018. My music will also be a priority, as always. I will continue to work hard and stay focused. Family mean everything and more to me. I’m so grateful they can be apart of my crazy experience!

