July 27, 2024

Hey Hailey!! So excited to be chatting with you!! You are definitely a triple threat, you sing, dance, and act. What inspired you to pursue all these amazing things?

Well it all started when my parents put me in all types of dance classes at the age of 2 1/2, but when my parents discovered that I could sing at age 8, they put me in musical theater and I automatically loved it! Ever since then I have enjoyed doing musical theater as my major at Northwest School of The Arts and in community theaters, but my true passion is film acting and writing music on the side! 

How would you describe your musical style as an artist?

Well I’ve been told by many people that I have a country sounding voice, but I personally love to sing pop and musical theater songs. 

What artists do you look up to right now?

I look up to Harry Styles because he started his career at the age of 16 also, so he has inspired me to be the person I am today. He also loves and accepts everyone in the world for who they are. 

What is your current go-to song or artist?

My current go to artist is Harry Styles. I love his songs because they are really summery and catchy. 

Any fun things in the works for your music career?

Yes! I just started learning how to play the piano, and I am getting ready to start professionally recording covers of songs and some of my originals! 

How excited are you to start releasing your own original music?

I’m beyond excited to share my music! I put so much time into my lyrics and I can’t wait for people to listen to them! 

What do you hope your supporters will think of your new music?

I hope that my music will be fun to listen to and that it will be enjoyed and favored by my audience. 

How did your passion for dance start?

My passion for dance definitely started when I was in 4th grade. That’s when I started taking lyrical and tap dance. I fell in love with both and eventually musical theater too. 

What’s your favorite dance style?

My favorite dance style has to be tap! I love expressing my feelings and emotions in my tap dances. Shoutout to my amazing tap teacher Amelia Binford! 

Do you look up to anyone in the dance world?

I look up to all of my current and past dance teachers. They have taught me everything I know and I appreciate them so very much! 

You started acting at a very young age as well. What actor/actress are you influenced by?

I am a fan of so many actors and actresses that it would take forever to pick one to talk about. Although, I try not to let them influence my acting choices, because I want to be my own person and be known for my original acting choices. 

What’s been your favorite role to play and why?

My favorite role to play was Mia in “The Bully” web series. It’s my favorite character because I got to play a really nice school girl that eventually breaks and becomes mean when she is pushed too far by a bully. I loved getting to cry and have a mental breakdown on camera. 

Are there any acting projects in the works you can tell us about?

Yes! I am currently working on a “black lives matter” supporting film entitled “You Matter” by 5’ films. I am also working on a couple projects with Chris Addams and his studio. 

What are your friends and parents’ thoughts on your career in singing and acting?

My friends and parents enjoy seeing me perform and hope to see me pursue this in some way. They think it’s such an interesting and fun career, and they can’t wait to see where I go with it. 

Overall, how has this whole acting and singing career experience been for you?

It’s been really crazy but super fun! I’ve had to make some drastic changes to my life, but it has all been worth it. I can’t wait to see how far I can go in this career! 

Do you have any other talents other than singing and dancing?

I know how to play multiple instruments and I love being creative and doing arts and crafts. 

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as compassionate, creative, influential, caring, and optimistic. 

Why do you think social media is so important for teen artists today?

Social media helps teen artists grow their  fan base and it helps to expose them to potential partners for future projects. 

What are three words you would use to describe your fans?

I would describe my fans as supportive, kind-hearted, and reliable. 

What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?

As someone who jumped into the entertainment industry very quickly, I want my music and acting to inspire my fans to pursue their dream careers and to not let anything hold them back.

What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

My fans don’t know that I actually get most of my auditions and bookings on my own. I’ve never had an agent or a manager to help me find these projects, but I am currently looking for one. 

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?

One thing my fans have given me is recognition in the entertainment industry. They’ve done this by supporting me and introducing my work to others via social media. 

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public?

I want them to know that they’re always welcome to come and say hi and/or ask for a picture. I am also open to answering any questions they have about me or what the entertainment industry is like. 

You also go to an arts high school and your teacher is Tony award winning Corey Mitchell. What has it been like learning from such an inspiring person in the entertainment industry? 

It is an amazing opportunity to be taught by Mr. Mitchell and his coworker, Matthew Hinson. They have taught me so much about the logistics of the entertainment industry, while making their class super fun to be a part of. 

Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans? 

Definitely go follow my Instagram account @officialhaileynicole for more updates on my career! Thank you so much for taking the time to support me in this industry! 

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview! 

No problem! It’s been a pleasure to work with you. 

