January 21, 2025

Hi Guy Meets Girl! We love the name!! Can you tell us how it came about?!

Alyssa: We actually went by another name at first. We used to be called Catch when we first started out and then a contact we made at the time suggested changing it to something that kind of told people who we were in the title. So one day in the studio, it just randomly popped into my head and I thought it was such a cute and fitting name to go by. I looked it up to make sure it wasn’t taken already and it wasn’t, so we decided to change our name to Guy Meets Girl since it kind of tells who we were a bit more. A guy met a girl and the rest is history.

“Send Me On My Way” was a smash hit on TikTok!! What was it like for it to go as viral as it did?!

Cody: It was pretty crazy! We’re not really even sure how it happened but it just kind of started blowing up out of the blue where people were using our cover to make videos on TikTok. Our friends would start sending us videos that were popping up on their for you pages being like “I was watching this and thought I recognized the voices and realized it was you!” 

Alyssa: At one point there were over 1k-3k videos being made a day and now I think we are somewhere over 240k videos total. From there people started looking up our cover on Spotify, Apple Music, or other streaming platforms to listen to the full song, and now it’s on its way to 3 million streams on Spotify. Our YouTube music video for it started getting more views too. It’s nuts.

Cody: One of my favorite things about it going viral on TikTok was that we could see people responding to our music. Like last year when we got on the radio with our original Christmas song, we didn’t get the chance to see people experiencing our music at first, so TikTok was a game changer for us getting to see people liking the song and making really creative videos with it. It’s  just so cool to see.

Alyssa: Yeah and having friends and family see that too and send us what they see is so special because they really got to experience that with us which was really special. It’s really cool what social media has done. It really brings in everyone. 

Are you excited for 2021 when it comes to your music?

Alyssa: Yes! Our faith means a lot to us and we have been blown away at the opportunities that have come our way with music each year. One year it was being an opener for Keith Urban at Country Thunder and opening for O-Town, another it was opening for Drake Bell and releasing our first ever original song and it getting on the radio, and this year it was our cover going viral in the middle of a pandemic. Each year it seems like God brings something new so we’re excited to see what 2021 has in store for our music for sure.

What kind of projects are you anticipating on releasing next year?

Cody: We have a couple covers that we have on YouTube that we are re-mastering and will be releasing on all streaming platforms. We have some originals that we have and are waiting for the right production partner to get those out. Lots of writing and new music. Always creating. Along with it being a new year, you never know what it’s going to hold for you, what’s going to go on in the world, stuff like that. There are so many things that happen that inspire new songs to be written, so it’s exciting to think that there are songs to be written that are going to come our way. I mean “Let’s Walk” came out this year and we didn’t see that one coming, even a week before Alyssa wrote it. So it’s just exciting because you just never know what songs are coming next and what’s going to inspire you to write what. We also want to do a mini covid-safe tour of some sort. We miss gigging so much!

Tell our audience where they can go, follow and show love to ALL your musical projects?!

Alyssa: You can stream our music on Spotify, Apple Music, and all other streaming platforms by looking up “Guy Meets Girl”. We’re also on iTunes. We have music videos on YouTube and will be releasing other fun stuff on there soon so stay tuned for that! You can also keep up with us on Instagram and Facebook @guymeetsgirlofficial. And if you wanna show some extra love, sharing and streaming our music helps us so much! I don’t think people realize how much it actually helps artists to share their work, especially artists who are trying to expand and grow. When people share and stream our music, it really allows us to keep doing what we do. Word of mouth is really everything. 

Cody: And thanks to everyone who has been supporting us so far. It has been so incredible to share this journey with you and having your support means more than we can put into words. We love you guys. 

Thanks so much for having us for this interview!

For Press Inquiries: bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com

