July 26, 2024

Hey Grace 🙂 So excited to be chatting with you again! You just released your new album, “Elusive Blue”! What do you hope your supporters will think of the new music? & What do you hope they’ll get from hearing your new songs?

Hey! Thank you for having me back! I’m so excited to be sharing my new album, “Elusive Blue,” with you. I hope my supporters will feel connected to me through my imagery, harmonies, and storytelling. I write my music for a new generation of romantics, truth seekers, and world changers. I hope that they will be inspired to live thoughtful and intuitive lives. 

Can you tell us the backstory of the new album? Is it from a real experience?

I knew that I wanted to take a deeper dive into my music. This meant more complex messages, more thought-provoking content, and more emotional creations that come from the heart. I pieced together a collection of songs that became the montage: “Elusive Blue.” Some songs parallel my real experiences while other capture a mood or a thought. 

How did you come up with the name “Elusive Blue”?

Blue has been swirling around in my mind for some time now. It made an appearance in my first album, “Just a Dreamy Idea,” in Alice’s blue dress (“Alice”) and in the atmosphere of midnight blue (“Infinity”). When I started recording a new album a little over a year ago I knew that I wanted to express color through music. Blue is a multi-dimensional color with so many shades and mood associations. In my new album, “Elusive Blue,” a reference to this color is woven into each song. Blue is such an important color right now. It’s a global color. From space, our blue planet revolves around the sun as we all face a global pandemic together.

What does this album mean to you?

This album is the breakthrough in my growth as a songwriter. From sound effects to 7-part harmonies, I experiment with my own genre of indie pop with a twist of theatrics. Each song means something special to me.

Do you have a favorite song off the new album? If yes, why is that one your favorite?

My personal favorite is “The Cleanse” because of how different the creation process was. Usually, I go into the studio with my songs completely prepared and ready to be recorded. I had a few lyrics for “The Cleanse,” but definitely not enough to begin recording. My producer said to just give it a go and see what happened. After creating the initial riff I recorded an improv track, and ended up keeping most of the fruition from the initial take. I had such a fun time just jamming and creating whatever came to mind, so this song holds a special place in my heart. 

Will there be a music video for any of your new singles? If so, can you tell us about the concept of the video 🙂 

As a matter of fact, a music video to my song “Warrior Queen” has just been released! This was my third music video ever, and I decided to try something new and edit my own video. The concept of the video depicts the Warrior Queen who has been banished to an island. She emerges from the blue lagoon wearing “a string of pearls straight from the sea and feather headdress light as the breeze.” Not to be stopped by sharks or hurricanes, she marches across the sea floor bringing messages of justice through peace. In her green silk, she bears some resemblance to the Statue of Liberty. This song celebrates all women who are willing to stand up and speak out. It’s a call to action song. 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote! “Warrior Queen” honors this momentous occasion by paying tribute to all of the brave women, past and present, who have been willing to stand up and speak out. Channel your inner Warrior Queen!

Is there anyone you want to thank that’s helped you get to where you are today?

I would love to thank my amazing producer and mentor, Chris Bihuniak. I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am without him and he has taught me so much. From just having a vocal melody to writing all of the chords my songwriting has greatly evolved thanks to Chris. I even hope to one day produce my own music! 

What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?

I hope that my music captures an intuitive and intentional world view instead of reflecting the negativity of these unprecedented times. 

Are you planning any shows to promote your new music?

My album release party where I performed all of the songs off of the album was moved to Instagram Live because of the pandemic. When it is safe to, I would love to plan more shows though! 

What is it like performing in front of your fans?

I love that my fans are so supportive and I see a lot of familiar faces in the crowd. I’m so thankful to have such an encouraging family and friends who hype me up!

What do you want your supporters to know that you think is important?

I want my supporters to know that I value trying to uplift others with my music and that I accept all people no matter their race, religion, sexuality, etc. 

What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

In addition to writing songs, I love writing poetry. I release a poetry zine called “ambition affair” every month with original content. Words are so powerful and can evoke such strong emotion that I believe they should be used to uplift and inspire others. 

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public? 

I want my fans to know that I love meeting new people, so come and talk to me! 

Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet?

I am dying to meet Jon Bellion. I think it’s so cool that he produces and writes own music. Producing my own music is something that I want to do to take my songwriting to the next level. 

Why do you think social media is so important for artists like yourself? 

I think that social media is important for fans to get to know the people behind the artist. It is especially necessary in times like these where we rely so heavily on technology for human connection. Through self-expression, artists can market themselves and create an online presence not only with people they know in real life, but all around the world. This increases reach and influence. 

What would you say is your biggest dream/goal right now?

I would say that my biggest dream/goal right now is to challenge the limits of the concert experience as we know it today. I believe that the key to being successful is not a formula, but rather your own creation. You don’t need to follow another artists pattern. You have to find yourself through your own experiences and dreams. Create rather than copy. 

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Follow along on my journey on my website (http://www.gracepiperfields.com) and Instagram (@gracepiperfields). I hope my music moves you in some way and thank you for listening. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview! 

You’re welcome! Thank you for the opportunity!

