July 26, 2024

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Hey Finn! How’s your summer been so far?

Great! I’ve been working so much and I feel amazing about where I’m at.

You recently released your newest single “Thrill Ride”, what has been your thought about the reaction of the new single?

The reaction has been really positive. Everybody that I’ve talked to really likes the song, so I’m really happy that it’s connecting with people!

Can you tell us the meaning behind “Thrill Ride”?

The song is about living in the moment and letting go. We’re always stressing about things that are not in our control, so the song is inspired by the beautiful feeling of living without regrets and just being present.

How did the idea for this song come about?

One day, I was in the studio with Elijah Blake and Daecolm, both of whom are incredible songwriters and artists. We were talking about using the phrase “Thrill Ride” because it sings really well and I hadn’t heard it used in a song before. The whole song was written around the freeing feeling that I associate with a thrill ride.

The new music video for your latest single is amazing, What was the process like creating the music video?

Thank you! Making the video was super awesome. We took a few GoPros to an amusement park and just got a ton of candid footage. We didn’t really have a plan or a list of shots that we wanted to get, we kinda just winged it. A lot of the imperfections made it into the final video, and I think it adds to the “thrill” of it!

How did the idea for the music video come about?

My manager and I were talking about what a video for the song would look like. We were throwing ideas back and forth and we decided an amusement park and roller coasters would be a really unique location to film. Then we hit up the director, Sean Alexander, and made it happen!

Any fun moments on set?

If by “set” you mean “amusement park” then yes! The whole day was really fun, but going on all of roller coasters was awesome. I’m pretty sure I was nauseous by the end, but it was worth it.

What was your first thought of your new video?

My first thought was that I liked how different it was from my previous videos. It doesn’t look super polished or professional, it just looks like two people having a good time. I think it comes off as very genuine.

Are you planning to perform your new song live anytime soon?

I’m working on it, but can’t share any details!

What does it feel like to perform your own music live in front of your fans and supporters ?

It’s one of the best feelings in the world. The energy I get from people when I’m performing is incredible, it feels like I’m pouring my heart out.

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans ?

I like to be very open and positive. I love reading and replying to DM’s because it’s an amazing feeling to know that there are people who care about my art and what I’m doing, so I like to show that love back!

What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?

I got stopped in a grocery store one time and my hands were full of groceries. I had to put them down so we could take a selfie!

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your supporters?

I love Instagram. I think the combination of the photos and stories really let me be artistic and have fun with it while still being a great tool for communication.

What is your official fanbase name?

I’m thinking “Finnatics”!

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview with us.

Thank you!

