July 26, 2024

Hey KayBe! So excited to be chatting with you again! How’ve you been since last we spoke?

I’m so well 🙂 Thank you for asking! So much has happened. So much has changed and developed and life is moving!

You just released your new single “I Fall In Love”and I love it. How excited are you that it’s finally out??

I am so thrilled. I’ve been waiting to release this song for quite sometime, just wanted to wait for the right moment 🙂 It’s still winter and we need some romantic love vibes to warm us up!

Tell us about the concept of the single 🙂

Yes! I love this song and I’m so proud of how it all translated and came to life. I wrote this song maybe a little over a year ago and to be honest… I wasn’t sure if I’d ever do anything with it. I knew that I loved it and it meant so much to me, but I was nervous people would find it too cliche or simple and so for about 4 months I kept trying to write more, turn it into more of a verse, chorus, bridge song to be more commercially viable, but it just was what it was. I played it live a few times and always messed it up, I would get so nervous for some reason and I literally just said… I think this song is done. But then I had a meeting with the literal best producer of all time, Zak Lloyd, and for some reason that was the one I played for him… and he was like “I love it.” I was like “are you sure? It’s not to this or that…?” and he was literally like… “We’re doing it.” and he literally produced the track in an hour. (I’m sobbing.) lol And what you hear, that was our first meeting and first track we did together and it was the best thing ever.
As far as writing this song, what can I say? I’m a girl in love 🙂 I literally thought to myself… I need to write a happy, love song about the wonderful man I’m dating because all he does is come to my shows and support me singing music about past heartbreak, haha. I literally remember sitting down at my piano and just mumbling and humming and saying the words “I Fall in love, over and over again.” And honestly… songwriting to me is so magical… like I have no idea where these words come from; they’re just somehow on my lips and my voice is translating a melody in real time straight from my heart and there it is. This song was THAT simple. But I love it and I’m so proud of it because it is LITERALLY the most true representation of how blessed and in love I am. I was surrounded by people (at the start of my relationship) that were like “Enjoy this now… the honeymoon phase will end,” but when I sat down at my piano, I thought to myself… “Not for me, I fall in love over and over. Every day, phone call, date, touch, everything.” And it just goes further and deeper. Never in and out. It’s unexplainable… but I explained the best I could in this song 😉

Will there be a music video for the new single?

That’s a great question 🙂 And that is yet to be determined actually! We have something already that we worked on, but creatively I’m not sure we need a visual and I don’t want to complicate that simplicity and beauty that is just there already. So I’m not sure 🙂 I’m weird, yeah, but maybe I’ll let the listeners just keep this song and they’re own visual.

What are your release plans for 2020? Can you spill any details on what your supporters can look forward to?

YES! One of my favorite questions! This year is crazy! I am releasing something almost every month until the end of the year. So much new music and some visuals too! Some reimagining of things I’ve released in the past, a lot of never before heard songs, and some acoustic and live versions! Stay tuned!

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?

Inspiring. This past year I was sooooooo blessed to have connected with more fans then ever before. Last year was a huge year of growth and discovery for me and that being said, I got to experience so much positive and just joyful feedback from all my wonderful fans. And it is SO extremely inspiring and motivating to communicate and connect with them. Inspiring in EVERY way and what I mean by that is this: I feel like we’re always surrounded by negativity, competition, manipulation, ulterior motives, etc., and especially being so vulnerable in such a creative industry people can be so wicked and discouraging. But being on the receiving end of such beautiful praises, emotions, love and positivity makes me so ecstatic and joyful. I literally am inspired everyday by these people, fans, friends and strangers, that make any effort to reach out and share love and positivity towards something I’ve created. It’s love and it’s beautiful. And I hear things like “thankYOU for your music, I love your new song, I really relate, I listen all the time.” and I’m like… “No! THANKYOUUU! You guys are the inspirers and the one’s EVERYONE needs to take example from by spreading such selfless and positive feels.” If everyone was so uplifting and nice to each other like that… we could have a better world! But all these fans remind me that we ARE living in a great world and we ARE surrounded by beautiful people.

What do you want your fans to take away from your music and live shows?

A moment of humanness and emotion. Reflection. Love. We’re so busy and have so many agendas and things to do, but music is something that reminds us what it is to be a human and to love and understand ourselves and each other. So when people come to my shows or listen to my music, I want them to give themselves, truly, those moments. Really reflecting on their inner feelings and how we can relate or just getting lost in the sounds 🙂

Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet?

hmmmm…excellent question. I don’t know if I have a good answer! I just love meeting new musicians and people I can bring music to life with. It’s magical.

Why do you think social media is so important for artists like yourself?

Most important reason for me is because it is literally a direct one-to-one connection to people that are discovering and listening and supporting me in my music! I’ve met so many people this way and also… I’ve shared so much with people that I may not have been able to without it!

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Thankyou 🙂 As always, but never enough! Excited to share new music with you all! Also… stay tuned because I have some exciting new merchandise coming your way this year!!! What!?!? Yayyyyyy 🙂

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview 🙂

Thanks for having me:)

