July 26, 2024

Your new single, “Who We Are” has such a great message. How did the idea for this song come about? & Can you tell us the meaning behind the name “Who We Are”?

  • One of the strongest lessons that I learned is that you should always try to be true to yourself.  I have had too many friends who have been teased and bullied and the way they tried to solve the problem is by “fitting in” and pretended to be different than who they are.  This works for some, but I think a better way is to embrace who you are because at the end of the day you should not surround yourself with people who aren’t willing to accept that.  

What’s the process of writing one of your songs?

  • My song ideas usually come at the strangest places,  such as when I am walking the dog or at an amusement park.  I usually start with a melody and add the lyrics at a later stage. When an idea pops into my head, I immediately record it using my phone.  I then tend to rush home to the piano and finish off the main verse and chorus of the song. I then put it away and come back to it over and over again until it is sort of finished. But it is never really finished until the final recording.


We are so excited to be premiering the music video for “Who We Are”. How did the idea for this music video come about?

  • The main idea for the video came from the director Stu Stone.  We wanted to replicate the theme of the song in a studio with just a piano and cello.  The first part is a dream sequence where I am wearing a puffy dress, tutu, with fancy hair and makeup which are things that are not really “me”.  Eventually the video progresses to show the true me, casual clothing, quirky and less formal.

Any fun moments while creating the music video?

  • Yes.  In the middle of the shooting when everyone was a little stressed, suddenly someone began to sing a song from the musical Hamilton.  In seconds, everyone including Sae, who was playing the cello, joined in and began singing and playing songs from the musical…We were all young, hungry and scrappy.   

Do you have a creative say in your music and videos?

  • Yes,  I listen to everyone’s opinions but at the end of the day I decide what fits me the best.  

Where did your love of music come from?

  • We have always been a musical family.  Since I was born, my house has been filled with music from every genre— hip hop, classical, country, pop, rock, gospel. The radio or stereo is always on. I have three siblings, each of which plays a number of musical instruments, so music is a big part of all of our lives.

Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?

  • Yes,  I just fished recording the video for another ballad called “I think I’m in Love”, which is being released next month.  We recorded the video in a small town in Ontario called Port Hope. For those who saw my first video, “Driving Me Crazy”, it will bring a pleasant surprise.  

What’s an average day like for you?

  • Wake Up. Brush Teeth. Eat Breakfast. Go to School. Piano Lessons. Voice Lessons. Recording Studio. Go to Gym (Kickboxing) with friends.  Dinner. Homework. Shower. Facetime Friends. Sleep. Having said that, I don’t think that I had an average day in a long time…lol

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your supporters?

  • I love the Gram.  @avivcohenoffical

Do you have any last things to tell your supporters?

  • Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.  Can’t wait to show you what is coming next!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview!

  • Thank you for having me…

