Hey Charly!! – Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi Ainsley! Thank you very much for interviewing me. I am a country recording artist from Orlando, FL and made the move to Nashville in June 2018 to pursue a career in country music. I have a total of 16 songs released, and 4 music videos including my latest video for my new single, Shelby’s Song! Besides singing, I love photography, making YouTube videos, playing with my dog, Dolly, hanging out with my friends and watching HGTV!
You started your music career at a very young age, what inspired you to pursue music?
Well I have been singing for as long as I can remember, when I was younger I loved singing Disney music and wanted to be a disney princess and as I got older I got into country music and fell in love with it. I remember at 12 years old, I went to a Carrie Underwood concert and knew that was what I wanted to do when I grew up. When the decision about college came about, I’m not going to lie it was a hard one. College is the logical choice, it’s planned out, it pretty much guarantees a working future, and music is the option that might not work out but could be worth a shot. So I chose music, it is something I could not live without and I want this more than anything in life so why not go for it?
That’s awesome! How would you describe your musical style?
My musical style is mostly Country but can also be considered Country/Pop. I would love to get more into traditional country music and that is what I am planning to do with the next songs I release.
What artists do you look up to right now?
Shania Twain is a huge inspiration to me. She is not only just a queen herself, but she is someone who has been through so much as an artist and a person, and continues to put out music that is so true to her as an artist. I also love Taylor Swift as she has been an artist that I have looked up to since I was little. I think it is amazing that she took the chance to hop into a different genre and feel so confident in herself to experiment new music.
How did you come up with your latest single “Shelby’s song? What was the inspiration behind the song?
When I sat down with Toby Waters and we were trying to come up with something to write about I thought about divorce because there aren’t a lot of songs about it. I am a child of divorce and know that it affects everyone involved no matter the circumstances. The emotions in the song are feelings that I know my parents both went through as well as myself and even though the song isn’t telling my story, I was able to contribute some feelings I had during that time. I am very blessed to have such amazing parents. The song was focussed on a family that I knew back home and what they are going through.
You also just released the music video for your new single. Can you tell us how the concept of the video came about?
Austin Peckham was the director and videographer of the video and we wanted to tell the story true to the lyrics and show the emotion and feelings going through the broken home of that family.
Can we expect any more new original music soon?
I am working on some new songs and will hopefully be releasing some new music in the fall!
Are you planning on doing any shows to promote your new music?
I am going to continue to do writers rounds around Nashville as well as some other gigs here and there. They will always be updated on charlyreynolds.com/tour
What’s the feeling you get when performing your own original music for you amazing supporters?
It is the most amazing feeling in the world. Especially when you have people in the audience singing along, it makes me really feel like I am doing the right thing and am meant to be a country music artist. I have the most devoted fans and I couldn’t be more thankful for that! They are the best and I couldn’t do this without them.
Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
Possibly a new music video coming in the summer. That’s the only hint 😉
Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?
I just want to thank everyone for their support of the music video Shelby’s Song and for sharing, liking and commenting. I have loved receiving messages thanking me for the song because it hits so close to home for them. I can’t even imagine doing this without the support. I thank you endlessly!