Hey Brooke!! So excited to be chatting with you. You just released your new single “Bored” & it already has surpassed 100k Spotify streams! What’s been your thought on the reaction of the song?
It’s super validating to see that other people are loving the music I’m creating! I hope I can keep that up with future releases.
Can you tell us the meaning behind the song?
I wrote “Bored” about a guy I was seeing whose personality lacked where his looks didn’t.
How did the idea for this song come about?
I was seeing this guy and decided I was getting bored of him, so I brought the title into my cowrite with Chase Coy and he helped me bring the song to life!
What’s the process of writing one of your songs?
I usually like to start with a title or concept. Melody is very important to me, so we’ll usually get a catchy hook going.
Are you excited to start performing your new single live?
I have actually been performing “Bored” for quite some time, but it’s awesome that people know the song so well now. I love when audience members sing along with me!
What’s the feeling you get when you are performing live?
Performing is my favorite part of being an artist. It feels so empowering and freeing to be on stage with all eyes on you.
You also just released the video for “Bored”, how did you come up with the idea for the video?
I had the concept of the white room in the chorus representing the love interest’s dull personality. I met with the video cinematographer and producer, who helped me flesh out the idea more so that the love interest was wearing all white in every scene in contrast with my bright-colored outfits. The colors I wore were also representative of my monochromatic single covers, each of which are leading up to my debut EP release this fall.
What was your thought of the video the first time you saw it?
I actually co-directed and co-edited the video, so I had full hands on the entire project, which I loved!
Do you have any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
My next single, “Me,” drops this Thursday, May 30! And my debut EP, which includes the past 3 singles, releases this fall.
Why do you think social media is so important for artists today?
Social media is the main platform for reaching fans today, so quality and quantity of content is key to maintaining engagement!
Do you have any last things to tell your supporters?
Thanks so much for following along with me, and I hope the new music continues to inspire you!