July 26, 2024

Hey Binx! So excited to be chatting with you! You just released your new single “I’m In Love With A Rapper”! How excited were you to get this single out into the world? 

Thank you so much! So excited to be chatting with you too! 2020 has brought so much change and I no longer have the ability to perform live in front of an audience (for a while) so releasing music has been the best way for me to channel my creativity and to keep things feeling as normal as possible. ‘I’m In Love With A Rapper’ is an upbeat track so I’m hoping it brings some joy and excitement to others 

What did you hope your supporters would think of the new song? 

I just wanted to create a little romantic escape for listeners. 2020 has been bumpy! I’m In Love With A Rapper’ is my bold statement of declaring my love for a rapper 😉 

Can you tell us the backstory of this single? 

The song is about my journey of falling in love with a rapper in Beverly Hills. 

You also have more projects coming out in 2020!! Can you spill any details on what your supporters can look forward to from you the rest of the year?!? 

I have another single coming out this Friday 13 November (It’s called ‘Safari’) and I will be releasing a special Christmas song in December. This is something I have always wanted to do! 

I will also be launching a podcast either at the end of 2020 or early 2021. Do you have a creative say in your music? Did you help write all your new songs? 

Yes. I write all of my own music! I am the creator behind everything I do. That’s what keeps it from feeling like a job.

What’s it feel like to be releasing your own original music? 

I was born to perform on stage and create music so the feeling is magical and fulfilling. I have always been a storyteller and I love finding new and creative ways to melodically paint a picture of something I’ve experienced or imagined. My body of work is a musical journal. 

Will there be a music video for your new single? If so, can you tell us about the concept of the video.

There is no music video planned as of yet. I am focused on getting as much music out into the world as possible! I am currently releasing a new song every 3-4 weeks. 

What’s been the pros and cons of pursuing your music career? 

At times it can feel as if there are more downs than ups but I am always trying to live in the moment and enjoy each creative project. I want to focus on living for the love of what I am doing and not living for the goals or destination. I strive to live for the creativity and not the ‘end’ results. 

Is there anyone you want to thank that’s helped you get to where you are today? 

Too many to list but my family, boyfriend and friends for their unconditional love and support and of course all of my fans who stream my songs, purchase cd’s and write kind things to me! 

What do you think makes your fan community/fandom different from others?

My community is not afraid to embrace their imaginations no matter what age they are. 

How would you describe your fans? – what’s three words you would use to describe your fans? 

Kind, funny, Imaginative

What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows? 

My message to my fans would be to fall in love with life, do what you are most passionate about even if it doesn’t make you the most money and surround yourself with people you love to drink champagne with in both the ups and the downs. 

Are you planning any IG Live shows to promote your new music? 

Yes, I go live on TikTok everyday (@binxofficial) and I am planning some Instagram live stream showcases soon. I am also launching a podcast with my boyfriend called “Adam and The Bee” it will either be launching late 2020 or early 2021. 

What is it like performing in front of your fans? Are you excited to start performing your own music live!?!

I miss performing live beyond words. Being able to entertain people, hug and talk to fans about how they’re either inspired or have healed through my music is so grounding. However, I am planning something huge for when it’s safe to do so again! 

What do you want your supporters to know that you think is important? 

I want them to know that my relationships are the number one thing in my life. I love learning about the people around me because our time with our loved ones are so precious. 

What’s something your fans don’t know about you? 

I’m a little too ambitious sometimes. It’s a blessing and a curse! I take on too much and burn out fast. 

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?

Success. Success being defined as doing what you love most every day. What do your fans call themselves? And How did that fanbase name catch on? Busy Bees. They’re always buzzing! 

Many of your supporters are starstruck when they meet you! Have you ever been starstruck? 

Many times. The most recent was meeting Paul Sidoti (Taylor Swift’s guitarist at NAMM, it was unexpected and I was way too excited) I can’t imagine it ever getting old meeting people you admire. Another was Bernard Fowler (he is an incredible artist and also the backing singer of my favorite band, The Rolling Stones) He’s a great friend of mine now. He is such a kind and talented human! 

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public? 

I may look like a bee but we are all human 😉 

Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet? 

The Rolling Stones 

What’s your current go-to song? 

Mood by 24k golden

Why do you think social media is so important for teen artists like yourself? 

Well especially in 2020, many of us are now relying on social interaction through social media and it’s the only way to share my creative projects in a safe way! 

What would you say is your biggest dream/goal right now? 

I want to be performing on stages all across the world! But because of the pandemic, my goals in the meantime are to stay home and write and record as much music as possible until it’s safe to hit the stage again! 

Any last things you want to tell your supporters? 

Yes! If you’d love to keep in touch with me, below are the links to all of my social media. I respond to all comments, DM’s and emails. 🙂 

All of my handles are @binxofficial 

Instagram: @binxofficial 


TikTok: @binxofficial 


Spotify: BINX 

(Keep a look out for my single release for ‘Safari’ November 13th 2020 

https://open.spotify.com/artist/1m6WCZzMnbe46bBTvbERQ0?si=Fap9h9SsQOW1U8KqF mxK7g 

Website: www.binxofficial.com 

Podcast: @adamandthebee 


Mada Atoms: @madaatoms 


Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions 🙂 

Of course. Thank you so much for chatting with me! Stay happy and healthy 🙂

