So Bianca , you started your music career at a very young age, what inspired you to try music at all?
My mom signed me up for a dance studio around my house when I was just 3 years old. So I was always involved in the arts and doing creative things. And I would always sing along to the songs as I would dance. So I was always around music and my dad was always playing guitar around the house, so eventually I just decided to give singing a shot!
How would you describe your musical style?
I would say it’s POP with a slightly soulful vocals to style it up & make it more me. I love big drums in my songs and tons of harmonies to really fill the songs up. I was always a big fan of Imogen Heap so I also got my inspiration for harmonies from her.
What made you to decide to try out for America’s Got Talent?
There wasn’t a definitive reason why I decided to try out! It was all pretty random to be honest! I actually was just traveling up to New York with my Dad and family to pick up Japanese rice at a market for my grandma. I heard about the audition earlier and then when I saw the pictures for it I asked my dad if we could stop by after and try out!
How did you feel performing in front of these legends in the music world?
I feel incredibly honored to be able to share moments like those with such amazingly influential people. To be able to work with Quincy Jones was amazing. He recently heard the new EP and loves it! I’m so happy to be fortunate enough for people to share their time and energy with me and to want to hear me sing and work with me. I sometimes really don’t even believe it! LOL
After AGT, you put off surgery on your vocal chords for quite a while because it potentially could hurt your singing. You just recently got the surgery done and it ended up helping your range!! What would you say you gained personally from that experience?
I’ve gained almost everything for that experience. There’s nothing like true humbling than being in a position where you could potentially lose everything that makes you who you are and is the reason you wake up every morning and smile (Music & Singing). I’ve learned to love me for me and not what I do. I have learned that good things take time and that patience and positivity is key in such dark hopeless times.
You are about to release your new independent EP in July. What was the process like creating this project?
To be honest I’m still creating it! Hahaha! I’m putting last minute touches on everything and finishing up the last two songs! It’s been a really big learning experience. I’ve been learning more about myself as a writer and I’ve learned who I am and can be as an artist who writes their own songs. It’s been so fun to grow through each song that’s going to come out. You’ll truly see it mature with me.
What’s your process of writing a song?
I usually start with a hook or a catchy melody that’s used for the Chorus. And then I sit at my computer and mess around with Logic to kinda look for some sample sounds of what I want in the actual production of the song. I then fill in the gaps and write the verses and pre chorus until I feel everything goes together smoothly! My favorite thing is writing lyrics. It’s funny because the songs sound so upbeat but if you really read all of my lyrics just for what they are… you will find that they are actually pretty deep and poetic.
Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
Well I have this first EP coming out in July. And I actually have another EP coming out later this year! So there is very much in the works! I’m going to be non-stop writing new music this year and getting it out as soon as I can! I’m hoping to jump on a small tour at some point this year! That would be awesome!
What artists do you look up to right now?
Oh I have so many artists that I look up to. I’m a huge fan of Meghan Trainors and I’ve been dying over the Chainsmokers stuff and people like Zedd. They are killing it! However, I like to vocally keep my root inspirations which are people like Joss Stone, Whitney Houston, Jennifer Holiday, Gladys Knight, Amy Winehouse, Adele and I could go on an on!
What artist influences you the most and who you aspire to be like?
I think I’m influenced the most by Meghan Trainor and Amy Winehouse with my sound right now. I just love their music so much and I love the energy and their incredible vocals that just shine through. It’s a pop sound with such a powerful vocal on top to just really hit you!
What is your favorite thing to do in your career? And why? – recording, music video shoots, performing, etc.
My favorite part is performing live. There’s nothing like forgetting about all the administrative stuff and being in a studio for hours writing a song and coming up with rhyming words than just being on stage and doing what you’re born to do – Sing & Perform. It’s funny cause it’s the part a lot of artists get to do the least of until their on tour! There’s something about performing and feeling the energy of the audience that’s just incredible and it’s truly like a high. Just a super positive energy that flows through.
What’s your favorite song to perform live?
I love performing my original songs but I also just love performing old covers. I like taking old cover classic songs and then making them my own. I remember I did “Rich Girl” because and Michael Jackson’s “I Want You Back” and it was a ton of fun kinda making those songs my own and doing it in today’s age.
What does it feel like to perform your own music live in front of your fans?
I haven’t had too many chances to actually do that actually! This new EP is going to be some of the first times that I’m really performing my own music! I’m extremely excited!
Does your fanbase have a name?
I’ve seriously been trying to come up with a good name! Does anyone have any suggestions I’m very open! My name is such a hard name to make a fan base name! There’s like nothing that rhymes with Bianca. However.. I had one idea on the table from someone that made me laugh for days… “Bianca’s Badonka’s!” LOL
How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?
I love to really know my fans and have them know me. For a long time I didn’t want to come out and tell them about my surgeries and the stuff I was going through. But I realized that I want that kind of connection with my fans. I want them to be able to know what’s going on behind the scenes and why I haven’t put out a ton of music over the last few years. I love to broadcast live with my fans on Apps like YouNow & KrueTV. It’s just a good way to hear from the fans directly and sometimes they even sing for me! I know a lot of my fans by name
After auditioning for AGT, you must have gotten a lot of publicity. What was that change like for you at such a young age?
It was pretty crazy. At the time I had the most watched reality TV performance on Youtube. I was touring all the time, doing every TV show and Radio show; It was super crazy. Maybe it was better that I was so young because I had a lot of energy! LOL It was a good change. I think everything happened for the good because I matured at a very young age and I learned a lot being so young.
What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?
Oh wow I have so many! LOL. Well I would say the craziest fan experience was one time there was this kid John who kept showing up at all of my local shows. He always bought all the merch and wore my Jagged Heart necklace I designed when I was younger. We had so many fan photos together that I began to recognize him at all of my shows! Then I ended up seeing him when I shadowed for my high school in downtown philly! I was like, “What?” Funny story is now John Lewis and I are really good friends and he plays piano for me for a lot of projects!
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?
Well I am an addict of all of them! LOL However, I would say I use Facebook and Instagram (Instagram Story) the most as of now! I Instagram story basically everything that I do (YES IM THAT PERSON!) And I post nearly everyday to my Facebook page!
Instagram – @OfficialBiancaRyan
Are you planning on going on tour anytime soon to support your new EP?
I’m hoping to be on a small tour by end of summer beginning of fall! Maybe sooner?! Who knows?! I would love to Tour with Meghan Trainor! She recently tweeted about the first new single “One Day” and LOVES IT! Maybe there’s a chance?
What’s an average day for you look like?
My whole life revolves around Music and making this year the best year I’ve had since I was younger! I usually wake up early and make coffee right away! I can’t function without coffee. Then I go and answer everybody’s comments on Instagram and follow people back on Twitter etc. Then I check my email and make sure I answer everyone and that my team and I are on the same page! Then I practice or head to the studio or head to set to film a music video or cover video. There’s always something to do!
What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?
I would love to go as far as it is possible to go. I want to be involved in every aspect of my career and test my limits as a song writer and creator. I want to eventually find a sound that is it’s own and creative something revolutionary. I want to be able to inspire independent artists to follow their dreams and one day I’d love to open up a space somewhere where kids who love to do what I love to do can come and have access to Instruments and programs like Logic and ProTools are for free or a truly reasonable price! I think everyone should have access and the ability to put their ideas down.
How has this whole music career experience been?
It’s been a journey. That’s the only way I can think of to describe it. There have been many ups and many downs. It’s been a roller coaster and I feel like it always will be and that’s fine with me because that is how you grow. You can’t have high high’s until you have low low’s.
What would you say has been your biggest accomplishment in your career so far?
I think the biggest accomplishment is that I’m still here creating music 10 years later as an independent artist. It takes a lot to persevere through the hard times. It would’ve been a lot easier to give up over the last few years than to get surgeries to be healthier but I persevered.
If your life was a movie, what would be the title?
“Keep on Keeping on!” I never give up and I will always press forward through anything.
Who would you want to play you?
I think I share a lot of personality traits with Miranda Cosgrove and people say we look alike so I would maybe go with her!
What’s your favorite song at the moment?
I’d definitely say, “Symphony” by Zara Larson. That song makes me cry!
What 5 words describe you the best?
Strong. Creative. Funny. Hardworking. Caring.
Many artists have a saying that represents them, what saying would you say represents you the most?
Dare to dream. And I really mean it. It is a dare. Because it’s easy to take the simple route and to do what everyone else can do, but it is a dare to take a chance and follow your dreams which may be bigger than what anyone around you has ever done. It’s never going to be easy to step outside of your comfort zone and rely only on faith that your dreams can happen but with big chances come big results. 🙂
Do you have any other cool talents other than singing?
I play a few instruments! I can also solve a rubix cube. I can also pogo stick for hours and hours. I always get strikes in bowling and I also don’t ever miss a shot in arcade basketball! I think I have good aim or center of balance or something! That’s what all my friends say! And I can learn most things within a few hours. I pick up on things pretty quickly! LOL
Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?
I want to tell all of you thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Your love, support and patience means the world to me. I couldn’t ask for a a better group of supports. You are all amazing. And you all have your own path in life and I’m just so glad that my path of music and my songs could enhance all of yours in some type of way. Keep striving for what you are doing and break barriers with your goals and go for them. I had no idea I would have the opportunity to do what I have done and what I’m currently doing just by taking a chance and jumping in line for America’s Got Talent which wasn’t ever on the air at the time! It was a completely new show and I just went for it! Dare to dream!
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview with me.
Photo Credit: @mikeleddyphotography