Can you actually start off by telling us where the idea for this song came about?
I wanted to put out a song about how important female friendships are and that it’s okay to go to a party and just hang out with your friends and not have to participate in hook-up culture.
Is there a song you are currently listening to on repeat?
I can’t choose just one!! I would say I’m listening to Kool by Benee, Race for the Prize by The Flaming Lips, and Devil’s Advocate by The Neighborhood!
Who was your first concert?
Other than my dad, the first concert I remember was Dolly Parton at the Hollywood Bowl!
When did you become a music lover and what does music bring to your life?
I was exposed to music from a very young age and I can’t remember a time where music wasn’t playing in my house! It was anything from classic rock to Motown. I was singing before I could talk and has been my life’s passion ever since. I don’t even know where to begin… singing is how I express myself when I’m feeling frustrated, ecstatic, or anxious. Music soothes my soul and transports me into another time and place.
Who has been your greatest influence?
My grandfather and my mom. Obviously for different reasons but they both have helped guide, shape, and define me.
Who was your first celebrity crush?
Probably Harry Styles since I was a die-hard One Direction fan!! (Still am duh).
What is your favorite holiday dish?
My grandmother’s family recipe for corn pudding.
What are you most thankful for?
During these crazy times, I am truly thankful for my family, friends, and my dogs Penny Lane and Lucy!
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