I wanted to holler at you guys about something non-music related; Taylor Grey has been using her platforms to help spread useful information about the black lives matter movement, police brutality, and voting — Most recently, she has been focusing on the election that is coming up in less than 43 days. Last week she posted about the coming election, encouraging her fans to register to vote and making it a contest to help boost the interest. She picked two winners yesterday which was National Voter Registration Day (22nd). The winners received a very special necklace that spells out VOTE and was inspired by Michelle Obama at the DNC. Peep photo below to see what I’m talking about.
Click for IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKb7wTnDbS/?igshid=17jpnugxl40uk
She will be doing more voting initiatives soon so keep an eye out on both our socials! ANYTHING WE CAN DO TO HELP GET EVERYONE TO VOTE THIS ELECTION IS SO IMPORTANT!!!!! <3