A few weeks ago One Direction announced that sometime in March 2016 they will be taking a break to pursue their own solo projects. Many Directioners instantly went into a panic mode. I think there is no need to panic. All the guys have reassured us that they are just taking a break and that the band isn’t going any where.
Tabloids all over the world are trying to make it even worse for us fans by telling us this has happened in the past and none of the bands ever came back together once they went on break. But do you really think One Direction would do that to us fans, no I wont believe it.
I believe this is what the boys need right now. They have worked so hard the last 5 years to make us fans happy and not disappoint us. The boys have done and achieved so much in such a short amount of time I get why they want a break. You have to think of it from their side. Like I said before, they have achieved so much, but because they kept going and never stopped they never had a chance just to sit down and take in all that they have done as band in the last few years. None of them want to hurt us, they love us all for everything we do for them. We just need to be on their side on this decision because it was probably a very hard decision for them to make even though some tabloids are saying otherwise. Lets just be there for them, so they will want to come back. If we are always so judgemental on them they will not want to come back.
Lets be the best fans we can be. We can prove to the world that what Liam says at ever concert (Best Fans Ever) is true. I think we can do it! While we are doing everything we can to support them and not judge them like the world does, we have some awesome things to look forward to. Like their new calendar – We Get To See A New Hot Pic Of Them Each Month!!!
We Get Their New Book
We Get Their New Album
And Of Course The Drag Me Down Music Video