February 8, 2025




Photo by: Sony records

On Twitter there is the trend #BuyMadeInTheAM trending worldwide and it’s because One Direction Fans just got the best news of their lives! From an unknown source, a Directioner got the news that One Direction renewed their contract with Sony for 5 YEARS!! That’s until 2021! Niall will be 28, Harry will be 27, Liam will be 28, and Louis will be 30! I can’t believe it!



Photo by: Sony records

Fans everywhere got the trend trending worldwide in 10 minutes. I think that’s one of the fastest trends ever. It shows the world we mean business. Directioners everywhere are on Twitter right now, which is crazy if you think about it, doing there best to promote this album to get it platinum for the boys because they just made our day. Well, probably year and half since they are taking a break this year.


Photo by: Sony Records

These next five years are going to be the best and we have One Direction to thank for that! One Direction said they wouldn’t break up for good and they meant it. And Directioners also said they would stick be them till the end and we want them to know we meant it too.

So everyone who isn’t on Twitter helping promote their new album should go do it.

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